Working with Conda Environment

To create your first conda environment, follow the examples below after opening Terminal or command prompt, depending on your operating system.

Creating a new folder for your project

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ mkdir conda_tutorial
$ cd conda_tutorial

Creating environment

$ conda create --name <your env name>
# replace "your env name" with whatever name you would like to call 
#    for your environment. It is always a good practice to name it 
#    the same as your project

Activating an existing environment

$ conda activate <your env name>

Installing packages into an existing environment

$ conda install pip

# you can install pip and then use pip to install packages or can 
#    directly install using conda as follows
$ conda install pandas==<version>
        # OR 
$ pip install numpy==<version_num>

Deactivating the current environment

$ conda deactivate
# it is a good practice to always deactivate environment when not working on the project

Remove/Delete Conda environment

$ conda remove -n <env_name> --all

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